Why are you afraid to bring colour into your home? Possibly you think you're going to get it wrong? But what if you add the wrong colour into your home! What if it looks stupid!

Well don't panic because would you believe I've also been there! So i'm going to tell you how to start slow and bring that wonderful colour into your home.

First of all, you really need to work out which colours make your heart sing. So for me I have 3 main colours which I absolutely adore. They are pink, (surprise, surprise) blue and yellow. Now within those 3 colours I have worked out which particular shade is my favourite. So going a little more in depth i know i love blush pinks and rose pinks, baby blues and pastel blues and sunshine yellow. Don't get me wrong I will add other shades of these colours into my home to bring depth. It can become very flat very fast if you only stick to one colour and one tone/hue/tint/shade (these all have different meanings but we can get into that in another blog lets keep it simple today) of colour.

So your first task is: Find one colour whether it be in nature, someones home, in a makeup palette that really makes you happy.

Don't spend lots of money

Whilst your building confidence its best not to go out and spend lots of money. Your learning to see which colours make feel alive and you might not get it right first time. Or you might just know you've fallen in love and be 100% sure. I made the mistake of adding peach colours (wallpaper, vases, blinds etc) and that turned out to be an expensive mistake. Like Elvis Presley sang ... 'wise men say only fools rush in' hes not wrong! In my case I went with an Instagram trend where it looked stunning in other peoples homes but in my house i just did not like it.

Find yourself a cute vase

So you can go to a charity shop or check out FB marketplace, (ive spraypainted many a lamp base) or check out. Great things to add which aren't permanament are cushions, throws, lamps, prints, or rugs!

Some other great shops for budget homewares are

The Range

La Redoute

and you can get stunning prints, cushions, vases from

Etsy UK

And remember HAVE FUN! See you next week

Zoe x